11 November

Meeting the past, off to New York City, cont.

by Jon Katz

After chasing the ball. Lenore’s breeder, Gretchen Pinkel, of Kee-Pin Labradors, Argyle, N.Y.,
just had a litter with a lot of pups. Conrats, Gretchen. One of the world’s best breeders.

  November 11, 2009 – Tracy is coming to farm and house sit, time to pack, choosing books. Newly renovated bookstore, Battenkill Books, cranking up in its new space in Cambridge, N.Y., and the dogs and I are going to join in their open house on December 5 (518 677-2208). Good luck, Connie. She’s busy.
 Belatedly, I see that I am dealing with a lot of ghosts on this trip to NYC. Such a big part of my life was played out there. I became a journalist and a writer there. I remember taking Em to museums and plays and baseball games there. I lived there, and tried to make it in the Apple, and I sort of did, but sort of didn’t, and I respect anybody who makes it there, because it is a tough town and there are a lot of smart people on the move in New York. I have a surprise for Maria on this vacation (I’ll share it later.)
We are heavily booked. Plays, meetings, re-connections with friends, museums. I want to walk a lot and take photos.
  The trip has become something of a celebration for me. I finished “Rose In A Storm,” and it was hard, and I think it’s good. I am deep into children’s books. I am competitive. I want to be the best at everything I do, and to work hard until I get there.
  I guess that’s the connection with New York. The best of everything is there, and a lot of the worst as well.
  So I will visit old haunts, confront old memories, measure my life, see old friends, meet some ghosts, celebrate the new parts of my life – Maria, my novel, what I’ve learned in the last few years. And honor the old.
  Leaving Thursday. Back next Monday or Tues. I won’t be online during the trip.

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