24 October

Inside the book tour: Does it work? The Hadley Experiment.

by Jon Katz
Book tour: Does it work?

Rain, clouds. November weather.

The book tour has been fun, interesting, challenging. But does it work? The test of a book tour is whether or not the book sells. The publisher doesn’t really apply any other measure. This time, I’ve tried some different things – photo uploads, a running photo and journal, visits to alternative places – libraries, homes, book clubs. I’ve ticked off a few book stores by going to events in their area and driven Random House a little crazy by popping up here and there. I’ve scared the hell out of several people who found the idea of my visiting them too unnerving and they declined.

My events have been strong with two exceptions. Lots of questions, engagement, lots of books signed, some obviously for Christmas. Was it worth it? Did it work? Don’t really know yet. Facebook worked to draw people to my events, I’m sure of that. And the blog and Facebook together brought many more people to the book tour than before. I don’t yet know if that worked in terms of sales or marketing. If it didn’t, then the new ideas for the tour are dubious. If they did work, than we are breaking some new ground. Tuesday is the Hadley experiment. An alternative event – the Library at 3 p.m, a conversation about writing, and then a traditional reading at Odyssey, one of the great book stores in Massachusetts or anywhere else.

If the first event cannibalizes theĀ  second, that doesn’t really work (that’s why we aren’t selling or signing books there) If it allows people who couldn’t make it to Odyssey or want to talk to me in an informal setting to do so, then it’s successful. I’ve got some snazzy new tools, but I’m not sure yet if they really work, or just make more noise.

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