1 March

Chase sunsets with me on Kinney Road

by Jon Katz
Chase sunsets on KInney Road

Kinney Road is so important to me. I took my first photo on Kinney Road. I chased sunsets with Izzy in the cold on Kinney Road. I was nearly killed by a truck on Kinney Road. I lost my mind on Kinney Road. I fell in love on Kinney Road. It is my road to life.

So I took my new camcorder there with Maria and I got out of the car and took this photo and also some video which captures the sound and feel of Kinney Road, where you can see a big sky behind the simple old farmhouse and where cars and trucks rush down towards you. You need to be careful, and alert, on Kinney Road.

Come with me and chase the sunset on Kinney Road, and hear the wind and the roar of cars and trucks:

1 March

Freida and the tractor: A minor miracle. Training video

by Jon Katz

Frieda and the tractor. Sweet moment

Chris Barrett showed up in his tractor to help get the buried farm cleared up a bit, as we start icing and melting. So this was a training opp for me and Frieda. She used to go crazy around tractors and tear off after them, out of control. So I brought her outside, stood for five minutes talking with Chris Barrett and Frieda was a doll. She didn’t bark once. It was noisy- a car also came up the road – so things were, as always, a bit unpredictable. But she did wonderfully, and it was a big moment for her to be able to do that. Training is not about obedience. It is a spiritual communication with an animal, and a way of showing dogs how to live in our confusing and often hostile world.

Frieda is a star. Come along with us.

1 March

New Camera, new era

by Jon Katz
Belcher Cows: New Camera

Okay, after days of scrambling around in the Arctic, I got my new video camera going – bigger lens and clarity than the Iphone, and this is the first video I’ve taken with it. I just took Frieda out to train with a tractor and will shortly put up some video of that. New age, new era.

The video was taken in snow, ice and late afternoon mist

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