30 April

Rose’s Joy: Return Of The Sheep: Bedlam Farm Diary, Vol.5

by Jon Katz
Bedlam Farm Diary: Rose's Joy

I have to admit it was wonderful to have Darryl Kuehne bring some of his sheep, including Bartleby, the lamb born here last summer, back to Bedlam Farm.  The farm seems to come to life, and Rose surely seemed to know what to do. I think she’s moving a bit more slowly than before, but maybe that’s because the long winter left her a bit out of shape. She got the sheep moving quickly, and while some are challenging her, I know she will handle things.

Sheep trigger all sorts of chores and issues – making sure the fences are good, that there’s water, seeding the grass to make sure there’s enough. We’ll have about 40 sheep for the summer. They eat our grass, and Darryl can grow his for hay for the winter. It’s a great deal, and I value Darryl’s friendship greatly. Like many farmers, he works unbelievably hard for little reward and loves what he does.

Rose will so some herding on June 4-5 when the Pig Barn Art Gallery opens for its first show (this is Maria’s project), “From The Everyday to Art,” featuring five artists working in photographing, painting and fusion art, sculpture, fiberart and gilded gourds. The shows will be from 11 to 4 and weather and conditions permitting, Rose will herd the sheep each day around 3 p.m.

Tomorrow, the book tour resumes in Cincinnati (I’m at Joseph Beth Monday night and a bunch of schools during the day). Great reception for “Meet The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm” so far. I have a great feeling about the tour. It will be tiring but very rewarding.

And here’s some video of Rose and the Return Of The Sheep.


30 April

Bartleby’s Return

by Jon Katz
Bartleby's Return

Bartleby, the lamb born on the farm last summer, returned as a guest this summer, along with some other sheep from Darryl Kuehne’s farm. Rose got to work, getting butted and stomped on. Bartleby stayed away from her. It’s good to have him back. Darryl said he kept him around because he knew people were attached to him. Darryl is a sweet man.

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