28 January

Happy Birthday Dearest Thing: She Chose Life

by Jon Katz
Choose Life: Happy Birthday


Happy Birthday to the person who entered my life like a loving storm, sweeping away the darkness and loneliness and fear. Who showed me how to love and how to be loved. Who worships the creative spark, as I do. Whose religion is love, spirituality and creativity. Who encourages me every day, in every way.

Who shares my belief that life is not an argument, but a series of choices.

That our lives of self-determination and encouragement are as political as any candidate for president.

Who vowed to choose life, every time.

Who accepted me as a partner and lover in life.

Whom I promised to love a bit more every time she cries.

Who understands that a courageous life is not one that is without fear, but one that thrives despite fear.

Who does not seek a perfect life, but a meaningful life.

Who wishes to care for herself.

Who is a rainbow, a comet who trails light and beauty across the sky.

Who sees the person I want to be, and am sometimes not.

Who loves animals, and respects them for what they are.

Who loves me in the same way.

Who has never harmed a living thing.

An earth that can produce such a person is a good and wondrous place. Her existence reminds me every day of theĀ  love, compassion and joy that exist in the world, and consciousness of that is the part of my soul that I wish to nourish and grow every day.

Happy Birthday, dearest thing, and may you continue to bloom and grow and spread your light and color. May your power grow every day of your life. You are a garden unto yourself.

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