14 May

Portrait: Simon by George Forss

by Jon Katz
Simon: Portrait by George Forss

I’m happy to share with you this portrait of Simon, taken by the famed photographer George Forss of Cambridge, N.Y. George came to the farm a week or so ago and was intrigued by Simon, who stood in the pasture watching him. Simon is used to cameras and likes them. He associates them with food and cookies, I suspect. He was fascinated with George and his equipment.

This kind of portrait is completely different from the kinds of photos I have taken of Simon. It is simple, black and white of course, uses light in the very particular way George has developed. George thought about it for a half hour or so, checked his light meter a dozen times, looked through the viewfinder. George sees photos that I do not see. I would rarely take a still photo of Simon like this, but I see exactly why George did. In Simon’s ears, stance, posture, and in the particular backdrop that George liked very much is a true and classic portrait that captures Simon’s spirit and presence. You can learn so much just from watching George work. This photo took an hour to conceive and execute and more time scanning and processing. George has chosen it as a card he will send to all of the people who helped him last week when he was ill.

I am very honored to post it on the Farm Journal. Thanks George. You are unique in so many ways, and I am grateful for your presence in my life. Donna’s too. I didn’t see what George was going for. I do see it now.

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