10 July

More Old Sheep

by Jon Katz
More Old Sheep

Our farmer friend is so pleased that his old sheep are a getting a summer on grass that he asked if he could bring another load, and he did. We have a lot of old sheep in the rear pasture, and they we are welcome. It is nice to see themĀ  have a good and comfortable summer with plenty of grass, shelter and fresh water. I need to be able to move them around, so Red and I did some mild herding with them.

A woman came up to me on the road yesterday. “How come you are selling the farm?” she asked. I considered asking her it if was her business, but then, I can’t really say that if I write about it on the blog all the time. “Well, maybe I can’t afford it,” I said, thinking of my new book, outĀ  soon for $2.99. “Oh,” she said. “I get that.” I find it’s an answer that people accept. It’s true also, to be honest. Publishing has changed, and the world has changed, and I have no shame acknowledging that. Pride is like fear and guilt. Drains the soul, steals your wealth.

Money aside, it is time for me to move. I am committed to our new home, and so is Maria. We will have everything we want there, and 17 beautiful acres to clean up, turn into pasture. A life of creativity. A life with animals. A life of love. A life with a community of good friends and neighbors. And hey, a blind 34 year old pony? Who else can say that?

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