28 July

Precious Life. Wal-Mart Of Fear

by Jon Katz
Grounded on the spiritual path

I have these choices.

Every day.

Life is precious.

Or not.

Life is good.

Or not.

Love is possible.

Or not.

Money means security.

Or not.

Other people decide if you

are healthy.

Or not.

I will be defeated.

Or not.

I will be angry.

Or not.

I will shop in the great big

Wal-Mart of Fear,

in this aisle or not,

all across America.

Aisle 1. The Law.

Aisle 2. Medicine.

Aisle 3. Politics.

Aisle 4. Financial Planning.

Aisle 5. Storm Center.

The news is free. Every aisle,

life discounted, made overseas.

Or not,

On cable,

or not.

Or I will not.

I will not.




28 July

Maria And Tess

by Jon Katz
Talking to animals

One of the many things Maria and I share is a passion for learning how to talk to animals and to listen to them. I’m often behind the camera, so I am not often seen, but our approaches are the same. One difference is Maria’s physical ability to squat down comfortably with the animals she is communicating with, to get to their level, to communicate from an equal field as it were. This matters.

We use food to get animals to pay attention to us, to trust us. We use repetition to make our presence a ritual in their lives, a tradition. Maria in particular, more than me, also allows the animals to smell, see and feel her emotions. She does not often talk to them, except in an upbeat,  encouraging way and they do respond to that. She has had many such relationships, and I photographed many. A new one is her and Tess, the Border Leicester wool sheep we are keeping and taking to the New Bedlam Farm. I learn from doing it and I learn from watching it and photographing it.

Few people listen to animals or really communicate with them, we are too busy telling them what they think and talking to them as if they think and feel as we do.

28 July

Bedlam Farm Morning

by Jon Katz
Bedlam Morning

Maria and I both woke up around 4 a.m. this morning. We were all cranked up, exciting about the day and we had a lot to do, so we got up. We went up the hill to check on the fence – it is secure again – and we did the morning chores. Walked and fed the dogs, checked on her sheep, rounded up the old sheep, cleaned out the barns, prepared the farmhouse for a showing or two. This morning we are going over to the New Bedlam Farm. To paint the kitchen. To mow the lawn. To show some of our friends the house. It isn’t even 9 a.m. yet and we are tired. Do I have to move my junk off of my desk?, I ask. No, she says. Leave it. Shot a video of Red working at his various chores this morning. Will put it up later.

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