31 August
by Jon Katz
Resurrection And Rebirth: New Bedlam Farm

What is the New Bedlam Farm about? Resurrection and rebirth. Buried for decades under layers of paper and glue, this beautiful thing lies in wait to be discovered, uncovered, seen again, only to end up in a garbage bag on the way to the dump, to be replaced by an off-white wall with human art that is framed. I was moved by these images, coming out of our new wall, things of the past, no place in our memory or lives. Still I am glad I uncovered them, saw them, photographed them. They are all in a mucky heap on the floor.

The farm speaks of resurrection, of the bringing of a place back to life, and through that, rebirth for the people moving in. As Marquez said, we are not born only once when our mothers give birth to us, but life asks us to be born again and again. So it is in our new home.

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