8 September

Taking Down The Barn. So Ben’ll Do It

by Jon Katz
Taking Down The Barn

We were planning on dumpsters, outside crews, tractors to take the collapsed barn down, but it turns out Ben will do it, pretty much by himself. His scrapper buddies will get the metal, we’ll burn the wood or give it away. Are you sure you don’t want me to hire somebody?, I asked him. “Awww no, gee,” he said. “I’ll do it.” So I guess he wiill.

8 September

First Coat: Living Room

by Jon Katz
First Coat: Living Room

We just got the first coat on the living room, and it’s come a ways from the old curtains and wallpaper for sure. We chose a very light bluiish gray and it just looks great, even on this cloudy and windy day. How great it is to be able to do this. Monday, Todd Mason begins work on the fences and Ben begins work on the Pole Barn/Shelter for the sheep and donkeys.

8 September

First Blog Post: New Bedlam Farm

by Jon Katz
First Blog Post

I’m excited to bring you my first blog post from the New Bedlam, using my new cable connection. Wow. More blogs, more videos, more photos for me.  A lost faster and easier. This is a big creative step, using my laptop in my yet unfinished new office. I bowed my head and said a few words on behalf of creativity. May I use this new place and new technology honestly, wisely, humanely and creatively. Now, off to get some paint. This is a big step and I am excited about it.

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