19 September

Ben’s Barn

by Jon Katz
Ben’s Barn

It was a landmark day for the new farm. Ben finished the Pole Barn, filling in the two sides and adding a sheet of corrugated plastic on the South side to let some light in during the winter. Todd Mason got the pasture fence up (photos to come) and the team from Common Sense barn continued to clear out the collapsed out barn (more photos there too.) We had another fire going. We are lucky to have such good people working on our farm. Todd Mason is the best – honest, hard-working and very skilled. We are moving our sheep into the new pasture next week – Red will be very pleased. They have footrot and they are in the barn getting treated and we want to move them before they get out into the pasture and spread it or pick it up again.

I can’t say enough about Ben and the incredible job he did putting this barn up on four days. It is perfect, it will offer a great shelter for the animals and an easy place for us to reach and maintain. I am thinking of turning the old barn foundation into a feeding area with a feeder and some rails around the edges. Ben is the best. We are calling the barn Ben’s Barn in his honor. Onto the Studio Barn and a million other things.

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