20 June


by Jon Katz

I believe that connection is a universal and powerful need for human beings. We yearn to find our place in the world, and to find the people who will share it with us in love and understanding. I think the Open Houses are mostly about connection. Me and my readers, and who follow my blog and photographs,  Maria and the people who love her art, me and my photos, people and animals, people and nature, and who seek fellow travelers, who yearn for a community.

Such a community has been building around my blog and online groups like the Open Group At Bedlam Farm and the people who have following the Bedlam Farm idea. We are family, we have our difficulties and misunderstandings, but we mostly hang in there with one another, we are a connection.

All around me today I saw people at the farm connecting to one another, it was a powerful sight, even a stirring one. In our fragmented and disconnected world, connection is possible, it is available if one looks for it and does not quit on it. Wherever I looked people were talking to one another, appreciating one another, understanding one another. It is, I think, the point of the Open Houses.

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