25 March

Poem: The Best Dog

by Jon Katz
Morning Chores
Morning Chores

You are the best dog in the world for me,

you shape and accompany me through the stages of life,

you were there when I came home from the hospital,

you sat by my side, for weeks,

my own therapy dog,

you sit by me at the gym,

as I read in my chair,

as I walk in the woods,

as I go to the doctor,

as I talk about my books,

as I write on in my study,

as I take my photos,

as you do your therapy work,

and bring the angry and wounded

men and women back,

from the edge of life,

as we herd the sheep,

and hold them at bay,

and bring them into the barn,

and take them out to pasture,

and do your beloved outruns,

and drive to other places,

and sleep in hotels,

and go to bookstores,

and show the children

what it means to love an animal.

This list is short, it could go much longer,

but we have to go to the hardware store,

they have biscuits waiting for you.

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