4 August

The Baby Barn Swallows: Leaving The Nests

by Jon Katz
The Baby Barn Swallows
The Baby Barn Swallows

We have come to love the barn swallows, they live in the barn rafters, make nests and give birth there. When there are babies in the nest, the mothers dive at us, and swoop down close to our eyes, they are trying to distract us and lure us away from their babies. We have five babies in a next in the barn, and they have taken over this wooden perch in the wall, it was probably put there for them.

The baby swallows appeared up there a couple of days ago, and they are beginning to fly in and around the barn. In a couple of days,they will be gone. They are welcome guests, mother had a fit when I approached with the camera, I thought she was going to fly into the lens.

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