27 August

Fate In The Pasture: Broken Glass

by Jon Katz
Fate's Broken Glass
Fate’s Broken Glass

Old farm pastures are filled with unseen debris like broken glass, and Fate stepped on a sharp piece while running this morning. Maria saw her limping, then spotted this awfully sharp piece of glass, pulled it, got a bandage on her and got me out of bed. We rinsed the wound, sprayed peroxide on it, applied anti-biotic ointment, and wrapped it in gauze (which she will get off easily and in minutes.).

This is a border collie hazard, they run blindly  constantly, every border collie I’ve had has stepped on glass or barbed wire. The wound was between the pads, so she should be able to walk directly on it. We’ll see how it goes, but no  trip to the vet as of now. We are lucky, Maria spotted it quickly and and treated it quickly.

Our vet is closed on Saturday’s and the nearest emergency clinic is an hour away and costs hundreds of dollars per visit. I think we’re on top of it.

Fate is subdued – for her – and I think it hurts, we gave her some baby aspirin in milk with popcorn. We’ll keep an eye on it, if she had kept running or stepped on it more directly, it could have been more serious. Maria did a great job and quickly.

No matter how you scour a pasture, you can’t get all of the debris out of it, they threw junk  out into the pastures for years and years. And border collies are notorious stoics, they work pretty much through anything. Red sliced his paw open a month or so ago and never stopped running.

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