27 October

Wow! Three Billboards Of Your Messages Now Up At The Mansion

by Jon Katz
Three Billboards Now
Three Billboards Now

There are three billboards now at the Mansion Assisted Care Facility in Cambridge, N.Y., and many more cards and letters in the private rooms of the residents. Two weeks ago, I said people who wish to communicate with the residents Red and I are visiting could write them c/o The Mansion, 11 S. Union Street, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

I cannot tell you how much these messages, crafts and cardsĀ  – and my portraits – mean to the residents and to the very dedicated staff. People have sent stuffed animals, crafts, afghans, pillows, notes and cards, even some chocolate. When I walk into the building with Red, I am usually greeted by some incredulous staff members who say nothing like this has happened before.

I never imagined so many people would respond in so gracious and loving a way. Shame on me for that.

I amĀ  humbled by your love and generosity, I usually blush and stammer, I honestly don’t know what to say when people thank me, I had just about nothing to do with it. I have written before about the isolation of the very old, they are cut off from the very human things they loved the most in the world.

When they receive letters and cards, this human connection is re-established. It’s says there are people who know about them and care about them, the same feeling evoked when a dog puts his head on a knee. It re-connects people to their own humanity.

These letters and packages matter, every resident I met talked about the letters and cards they are receiving, there are very many at the Mansion who get few or no messages from the outside world.

I don’t really know what to say, except thank you, small acts of great kindness, an affirmation that people are good, given the chance, a tonic and antidote to the ugliness and hatred raging around us. Thank you. For anyone who wishes to write, the address is 11 S.Union Street, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. Your words matter.

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