25 January

Grandfather Chronicles: Coming To Terms With Face Time

by Jon Katz
Face Time

My granddaughter is about four months old, and I appreciate the photos Emma sends me of her. So, apparently do many other people. Babies, like puppies are popular. I am transfixed by Robin’s thoughtful demeanor and her stare. People tell me she looks like me, but I think she looks like Winston Churchill.

Honestly, I hope she ends up looking like neither one of us. I saw her on Face Time last night on the Iphone, and I have to say, this is not a medium I like much. I find myself shouting at Robin to get her attention while she stares at me intensely but puzzled.

The above photo is not from Face Time, I took it with my monochrome camera. I liked seeing Robin on my phone, and Fate went nearly berserk with excitement, trying to climb through the phone to give her a kiss. Fate is like that.

There is not really a good substitute for seeing someone face to face, and Face Time only makes me want to go down to New York City. Maybe in a couple of weeks. Emma likes Face Time, it keeps Robin in touch with friends and relatives and grandparents.

I think I’ll use it sparingly. I just feel foolish gurgling and chattering to get her attention, and she quite obviously has no idea who I am or why she should pay attention to me. She does seem like a thinker to me, if that is possible at four months.

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