23 March

The Tao Of Donkeys: Capturing Fanny And Lulu

by Jon Katz
Fanny And Lulu

In Chinese philosophy, the absolute principle underlying the universe, combining within itself the principles of yin and yang and signifying the way, or code of behavior, that is in harmony with the natural order. The donkeys are the most difficult animals to photograph. They are inherently cautious and modest, they don’t preen or seek to please the way dogs and some cats do, they are not wild animals, they are not pets. They are a nation of their own.

They can be standoffish, intuitive and affectionate, they are independent and wise. sometimes they can be all of those things in the same few minutes. Everything must be their idea, they do not exist to please and will serve reluctantly and sporadically, given no other choice.

Simon was the only donkey I ever had who loved to be photographed and soaked up attention, Lulu and Fanny are very cool and thoughtful, they love attention when a carrot is attached to it. Otherwise, they don’t see the point unless one of us kneels to the ground or pulls up a chair and they sidle up next to us and lean it. That is how they show love.

There is a sadness and perception in their eyes that is quite striking, today, and rarely, I think I captured a piece of it, I stood for a long time with my monochrome camera watching them move back and forth, study me, circle me, wondering what I was up to. They never trust the camera the way dogs and sheep eventually do. I love donkeys, they are the most spiritual of all the animals I have known, the most intuitive, they are watchers and waiters, hardy and always eager to take care of themselves.

Today, I saw them standing head to head, as they sometimes do, they are always near one another, these two are sisters and have lived today almost all of their lives.

They are amazing creatures, somewhat rare in America, and among the most abused, exploited,  and abandoned of animals. Because of this, they do what they want, not what you want, and if they don’t feel comfortable with it, there is no force in the world that can force them to do it. Their Tao is harmony, I think, they live in peace with one another and with the other animals, and they are loving and loyal to us in their own way and at their own pace.

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