23 May

Dental Dog

by Jon Katz
Dental Dog

One Spring day last year, I went to the Cambridge Family Dentist office to have my teeth cleaned. The receptionist looked over my shoulder and asked politely, “where’s Red?” I had brought him there once or twice but wasn’t sure if he was welcome all the time, even though he is a therapy dog.

The receptionist looked stricken, and one of the techs came over asking for him as well. They seemed incredulous and disappointed that he wasn’t there. You don’t wish to make your dental staff unhappy, so I asked kind of jokingly if they wanted me to go home and get him, I love just down the road.

There was a chorus of “yes” and it was emphatic so I went home and got him. Ever since then, when they call me for appointment  reminders, someone will ask if Red is coming and remind me to be sure to bring him.

So I do. I get in the chair, he lies down on a carpet right outside the cubicle, and receives his many admirers and visitors. Today, he was mobbed, they all heard he was very sick, they were happy to see him, they showered him with hugs and kisses.

He brings so much light and pleasure wherever he goes in a world that can sometimes be vicious and cruel.  I am glad he is okay.

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