25 July

Portrait Gus: His Eyes Sometimes Look Sad

by Jon Katz
Portrait, Gus

Sometimes his eyes look sad to me, sometimes thoughtful.  But that is an  illusion, he is a happy, even joyous creature.

He listens very carefully to us when he speak, as if he is considering every word and sound. He is only 12 weeks old, but he seems wise beyond his years. He is an easy going creature, playful and independent.

It is quite common to see him dragging some comparatively giant stuff toy across the room, daring the other dogs to touch it or take it away. He is very devoted to Maria, he follows her everywhere she goes. He loves to climb up on me in the morning, and kiss every inch of my face.

He loves being around children and old people, he will get to meet my granddaughter Robin on Friday, she is coming for a one day visit. I think she will love Gus, and vice versa. Outside, Gus loves to chew leaves. He loves the donkeys, but is careful around the sheep. They already ran over him once.

When I work, he loves to come into my study, drag his small bed around the room. I rub his belly and he falls asleep. He is playing a bit less, exploring a bit more. In the afternoons, he does out into the backyard. Maria works with her studio door open and Gus and Fate go in and out.

When Gus gets tired or wants to visit Maria, he just walks into her studio and sometimes naps at her feet. When he wants to play, he goes out and harasses Fate. He goes almost everywhere we go in the car, like the border collies, he loves to go for a rid. He never goes anywhere near the road, just like the other dogs.

And why should he, really? He has what he needs right here. We try to give him many opportunities to succeed, and very few to fail.

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