9 August

Staring Down Sheep: Gus, The Farm Dog. Smiling A Lot.

by Jon Katz
Staring Down Sheep

Gus continues his staring down of the puzzled sheep. He isn’t exactly herding them, but he isn’t backing down either. The sheep feel moderately intimidated – they aren’t snapping to, as they do with Red – but they aren’t challenging him either. I have no idea where this is going to go, but I am impressed with Gus’s composure. He seems to feel he is in charge of most, if not all, of the farm. It will be fun to see where that goes.

The interesting thing about the small dog is that they make you smile and laugh a lot. Gus has a ton of personality, and smiling a lot is very valuable these days, or any days.


  1. As the saying goes, It’s not the size of the dog in the fight: It’s the size of the fight in the dog. I have an 8 pound Chihuahua that challenges shepards and rottweilers.

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