31 January

Hey Rose

by Jon Katz
Hey Rose


How are you?

I think of you often, most recently last week when I fell down, as you know I have a tendency to do.

I was crawling around in the mud – the chiropractor thinks my 30 lb camera and lens might be awkward, but I know it is my distracted head – half expecting you to show up and nip at my ear until you got up, as you always did when I fell down. So I got up myself.

I find myself looking around for you when I head out into the pasture. I go into your room upstairs where you slept and kept an eye on the sheep, and I see there is still an indentation there as we have not had reason to change the covering or the sheets. I like that indentation and will keep it for as long as I can. It is the last tangible sign of you. You never liked toys or dog beds, and you were always moving around, so that will have to do.

I want to tell you that I am happy, busy and doing well. I am working on three different book projects this year. Maria is busy making potholders and quilts. We both are participating in an art show this week. I don’t know if the sheep are coming back this summer or not without you. Have to think on that.

I know many people wish their dogs to be waiting for them when they cross over on that bridge, or when they meet in heaven or some other spiritual place. That is not my wish for us. When I think of you, I think of you on a vast farm with lots of quirky sheep. You are fast as the wind again, freed of your tired legs and struggling body. You do one of your rocket-caliber outruns and come around the herd. Some of the ewes and rams come out to butt you and challenge you, but you circle them, nip at them, make them dizzy and bend them to your will.

I see a cool and refreshing stream of water for you to plunge into and drink. I see the wind ruffling your beautiful coat. I see your powerful brown and yellow eyes blazing and locking onto the sheep. At night, I see this herd spread out quietly, you lying next to them, vigilant and very content. This is where I hope you are.This is where I know you are, as I get an image of it once or twice in the night, and it must be coming from you, as I have never seen such a place. How happy this makes me. I want you to know I am happy, busy and well, and every day, I do pause to give thanks for our time together. Oh, and guess what? I’m going to be doing an E-Book original called “The Story Of Rose.” You just keep on working, don’t you. I wild send you letters from time to time, and do not worry. I will be careful walking around here in the winter.

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