24 May

General Store: A Heartbroken Community Begins To Heal Itself

by Jon Katz
Linda and Thom Janidlo

Two years ago, the Bedlam Corners Bedlam Store caught fire just before Christmas, and was severely damaged. It was as if the small town’s heart was broken. For many years, this historic building was the center of the town, its commercial and cultural focus, the one place we could all meet and talk to one another. For two years, it has been still, empty, deteriorating.  We have all wondered what is happening with the building, we all wince every time we drive by.

Thom and Linda Janidlo decided to try and jumpstart its return, to heal the town’s broken heart. Today I found them working with a dumpster to begin cleaning the store out – there is much pigeon waste and debris. Not easy or pleasant work. Thom understands the idea of service and leadership – he was a marine platoon commander in Vietnam. It still shows. Tomorrow, they are organizing a clean-up at the store, from 9 a.m. through the day. I’ll be there to take some photos. I’m putting up an album of the today’s clean-up and the wrenching interior of this valuable building on Facebook.

Hardware Department


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