4 November

Waiting For Me

by Jon Katz
Waiting For Me

We switch animals each day. In the morning, we let Rocky out into his pasture (he spends his nights in the pole barn with the panels up to keep the donkeys out) and we bring the donkeys to the sheep pasture. Red moves the sheep in with Rocky, they like to graze together. When he gets out, Rocky waits for me, listens for me, and I bring him a carrot or horse biscuit (oats and apple). We take a walk together. Rock trots alongside of me, as if he is showing me his pasture. I suppose he is.

Then we go our separate ways for the day. In the afternoon, we will put some hay in the pole barn, call him in for hay and grain, and then switch all the animals around again, distributing hay and water once more. Then, they are in for the night. I appreciate my daily walk with Rocky.

4 November

Paths And Paths

by Jon Katz
Paths And Paths

Maria’s mother came to visit yesterday and we took her along on our daily walk on our new path in a nearby county park. Paths are important. I need a path in my life to help me focus, to show me where I am, to lead me in a direction. I can find my path anywhere I am. I am enjoying this one, it is helping me see the transition I am in, where I want to go in my life.

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