23 July

Standoff: Food Riots. Red And The Chickens.

by Jon Katz
The Food Police
The Food Police

We called in reinforcements for the food police today after the food riot that erupted yesterday in the back yard between the cats and donkeys and Lenore. I figured if Red could herd pigs down the highway, he would handle three hens attacking the food bowl.

First, we locked Lenore in the house. We put the cat bowls by the door. Red was stymied, the chickens make him nervous, he always avoids them. I put him between the cat bowls on the porch and the advancing chickens and I told him “hold the chickens.” Rose would have gone right at them and chased them away, Red is a gentleman, he likes to work within the confines of professional herding, as he did with the pigs.

The chickens headed for the steps, ran into Red, who held his ground, and they stopped, and pecked for bugs on the ground. This gave the cats some precious time. Then, they jumped up into the garden and over the short wall and made their move towards the cat food. Red looked at me rather helplessly. He didn’t know what to do, I didn’t tell him what to do, but I was prepared, I was holding the hose with a spray nozzle and nailed the chickens as they approached the bowl, driving them (and the cats) away. I think it was a draw. We will try again tomorrow.

The chickens charged and I said “walk up,” and Red did, slowly and carefully. Unlike sheep herding, this does not seem to be a task Red enjoys. But he does do it, he is a good guy. We have to contain the chickens or feed the barn cats earlier (or later.) More tomorrow.

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