23 February

Destiny Awaits, In The Emerald City

by Jon Katz
In The Emerald City
In The Emerald City

I think it’s always been true that my destiny awaits me in the Emerald City, New York. New York is a thread that has run through my life. I worked in television and magazines there, took my daughter to museums there, fell in love there, lost a love there, met my editors for lunch there when editors and writers went to lunch before e-mail. I’ve always dreamed of New York, always wanted to conquer New York, I never did, I never could.

New York, as O. Henry wrote, is a tough nut to crack, still, it is there, and well before dawn I am heading to New York to buy a new camera, to ride a carriage horse, to meet with my agent – I used to have lunch with agents all the time in New York before e-mail. There is always an enormous sense of excitement for me when I go to New York, I have never gotten over the feeling that big-time glory awaits me there, fame and recognition, climbing the mountains that the toughest of the tough and the smartest of the smart climb. I’m getting a bit old for that, I suppose I have found my destiny on my farm with my wife, with the animals there, with my blog. But still…New York stirs up the old stuff, I really could have been a contender if I hadn’t been so messed up.

And if I had been a contender, I’d be long dead by now, I would not have survived long as one, it was tearing me to pieces, that’s why I fled. I’m excited to get my new camera, courtesy of Kickstarter and the good people who supported me and my project. I suppose New York always makes me feel a bit like a failure, I threw myself against those citadels so many times, I just could never get over the top, and so that is my destiny, this is my destiny. Maria is coming along, we will make time to see some museums, find our favorite Thai restaurants, walk in the park, see the carriage horses in their stables, ride them in the park.

New York is a place of wonder and mystery, I am enchanted and stirred up by it. The blog will be quiet for a day or two, give you and me a rest from each other, I always miss it, it is always good to take some deep breaths.

23 February

Poem: The Divine Old Dog Takes A Walk

by Jon Katz
Divine Old Dog Takes A Walk
Divine Old Dog Takes A Walk

The Divine Old Dog looked at me,

with pleading eyes,

take me for a walk.

She walked out, to the back of the car,

she could not jump in,

as she always did.

I picked up the Divine Old Dog,

careful to preserve her dignity,

like it was her idea,

she looked surprised,

her legs were shaking, I carried

her to the back seat, she held herĀ  head high.

We got to our road, her favorite walk, I helped her out.

She look at a deer out in the field,

her ears up, her head high,

she pretended not to see,

she sniffed the air, picking up the stories

of her world.

23 February

Iconic Photos, Cont: Battenkill Railroad

by Jon Katz
Battenkill Railroad
Battenkill Railroad

I spent most of my life living in cities, but I have found my little county, Washington County, has almost all of what I need, even it’s own railroad. The Battenkill Railroad runs right though my town of Cambridge, and I was walking with Red as it came rolling right by me and an old feed store. I’ve had a good Iconic Photos day an I’m not 100 per cent sure what that means.

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