14 April

Daily Video: Morning Chores. Come Along

by Jon Katz

I’m enjoying the new daily video – it is always more fun to watch chores than do chores. Every morning, we set out together – me, Maria, Red, Fate – we go out the pasture, I love the clink of the chains on the gate. Chloe is prancing around, eager for hay, the donkeys are sweet and quiet, the sheep rebellious and intrusive, it is Red’s job to keep order, Fate’s to run around in circles, keep the sheep together (or so she thinks). I usually do the water, Maria usually does the hay, although we switch back and forth. Then we shovel out the manure together and go eat breakfast.

On most farms, the rule is the animals eat first. Come along, I’m doing a video every morning now, lots of people have asked me to do it. I’m ready and thanks for caring. I love the morning and afternoon chores, it frames our day and our lives with animals. We are fortunate.

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