9 September

Fate’s Favorite Thing: Ambushing Red

by Jon Katz

Fate's Favorite Thing

I’ve been wondering lately if I am responsible for Fate’s disinterest in serious sheepherding.

Sometimes I think yes, sometimes I think no. One of Fate’s absolutely favorite things is to try to ambush Red while he is seriously working and focused on the sheep. She hides behind a corner, crouched and proud of herself, and wait until he moves close, then she  rushes out and barks at him.

If he notices this at all, there are no signs of it.

I don’t think there is anything in the world she would rather do than ambush Red. She is a rascal, a pirate dog, and fortunately for her, Red is utterly undistractable. You cannot turn him away from his work. He completely ignores her, every time, and I think she is determined to rattle him.

At this, she is not likely to succeed.

But she could not enjoy it more, and perhaps she would just rather have fun than work. She is, after all, a pirate dog.

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