24 October

So Long, New Mexico. Heading Home Tomorrow

by Jon Katz
Heading Home: Theresa and Richard  Montayo, our friends (Richard loves to make faces for the camera.)

Wednesday morning, we start the day long trek back to Cambridge, and our Bedlam Farm. It is bittersweet, we are sad to be leaving this magical and mystical place and happy to be going to the home we love and our friends and animals.

We have bags full of trinkets an gifts for the farmhouse and for our friends, and rich and deep memories. I will write more this week about the trip, we both need a bit of distance to sort out the meaning of it. It has been a healing place for me, my hives, angina and stiff legs have all vanished. I don’t know what to make of it.

This felt like home to both of us and we are talking and talking about why. When I next blog it will be from home, we’ll be traveling all day and probably won’t be home until midnight. I looked briefly and the news and was saddened by almost everything I saw.

Yesterday, we walked around Santa Fe and I saw how beautiful a city it is. Today, we visited some ancient pueblo cliff caves. Lots to digest.

I will re-dedicate myself to doing good and to the Army of Good, We are needed. Much love to you all and thanks for sharing this journey with me. Talk to you soon.

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