6 June

New Mansion Wish List: Three Tents For The Big Picnic. SOLD OUT

by Jon Katz
The Mansion Wish List: Three Tents

This Wish List was sold out in about five minutes. Three 10 x 30 feet Pagoda tents are on the way to the Mansion so they can host their big summer picnic with their families. I will be there with camera to show you what you did. You are our Better Angels. Thanks.

There is a new Mansion Wish List up today, a bit pricier than the others. We need three portable outdoor tents.

Activities Director Julie Harlin and I have been scouring the county for tents to borrow or buy for the big annual Mansion Picnic in August, when all of the residents’ families and friends and all of the townspeople are invited.

More than 100 people come and the residents are quite excited about and engaged in it.

This year’s crowd is going to be the biggest ever, so many more people than ever have RSVP’d. Julie thinks it’s because so many people and families are following the the lives of the Mansion residents on this blog. If that were true, it would be wonderful.

Julie says because of the crowd, they need three outdoor gazebo tents for the picnic.

The garden will be in full bloom by then, but the weather is unpredictable, too hot, too cold, too rainy. So the tents are important. We asked almost everyone in a 100 mile radius about tents, and none were right or available or simple to move.

The Mansion will be able to use the tents again and again, for their art and music festival, for plays and for musical shows and appearances.

They can also use them to eat lunch and dinner outside.

The Mansion dining room gets warm in the summer. Julie and I tried very hard to find them locally, but three tents of that size in good condition are just not possible.

So Julie asked me if she should try the Wish List, and I said, sure, why not. Give people a chance to do good if they can, and understand if they cannot. I have learned to never pressure the Army Of Good, but never underestimate them either.

So the new wish list is up, three tents for $119.99 each. I bought one, we have two to go. No pressure. You can see the Wish List here. If Amazon asks you for the Mansion address, it is 11 S.Union Street, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. The phone, if you need it, is 518- 677- 3711.

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