9 November

Pineapple For The Donkeys. The Good Life

by Jon Katz

I live being married to Maria, but I think I would tell my good fairy that if I can come back in the next life, I’d like to be one of Maria’s donkeys. Every morning, she fills a dog food bowl with scraps of food she knows the donkeys love – rolls from restaurants, the head of a pineapple, carrots and old apple slices.

I call it the “Gourmet Donkey” bowl and the donkeys start braying softly the minute Maria sets foot out of the house. She loves this task, you can see it in her face.

The donkeys are calm and patient, they know they will get what they want, they don’t have to push or fight for it. We have Zen donkeys, they are sweet and calm.

And why not? They have a good life.

After their gourmet breakfast treats, they will talk to Maria and plan their day and share one another’s hopes and dreams.

I love seeing this every day, there is no better way on the earth to begin the day.


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