14 December

Country Road. Living In Our Own Myths

by Jon Katz

We all live in our own myths, one of mine was that I could live apart from nature, away from animals, cows, woods, hills, falling barns. I’ve read a number of psychologists who believe that people who live away from the natural world and the world of animals, are broken, and lives that are unnatural and disconnected from our own history and identity as human beings.

That is what happened to me, and I came to nature to heal and create a new myth, and that has helped to bring me a precious life, full of love and meaning.


  1. My heart pines to live more closely to nature, rather than in a subdivision. For now, I must go to nature, drive to it. We do have it in our little back yard – bird feeders and heated bird baths, and it is my joy to watch the birds, and even the squirrels enjoy it. It’s not the same as living in the country, though.

  2. This Country Road photo is beautiful as is Into the Mist. Thank you for sharing them. Love that you have a shepherding BT. It is very sweet that he helps his “brother.”
    Wishing you all a peaceful and joyous Christmas.

  3. I love this picture of the building that is falling apart. I think it is a good portrait of me. Falling apart at the edges but still standing. As I grow older I find myself attracted to old buildings that still have some beauty, although weathered, while parts of them are deteriorating. The outside has faded but what stories they could tell if we could only hear!

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