12 January

The Happy Puppy Videos, Vol. 4

by Jon Katz

I am enjoying publish this series of “Happy Puppy Bud Videos,” in recent weeks Bud has shed his wary, very serious demeanor and turned into a dancing fiend and happy puppy. He is thrilled to see us, even if we have gone upstairs for a second, or as in this video, when Maria emerges from the basement where she has gone to feed the cats (it’s sub zero out there tonight.)

But can barely contain himself this is a new side of him I love to see. But had a rocky introduction into the world, his heartless human left him outside in a metal pen without a roof, his penmates died of heatstroke, Bud was rescued by Friends Of Homeless Animals, nursed back to health (it took four months) and put up for adoption.

For months later, he came to Bedlam Farm. He is pretty pleased with himself these days. Come and see Happy Bud.


  1. Bid looks very Happy & I think you & Maria did a wonderful thing in adopting him. He doesn’t look like the same dog from when you first got him. Keep up the good work.?

  2. I work with re-homed dogs doing energy work and always tell their new people – one day you’ll walk in and it will be a normal day and your dog will just be overjoyed. That is the day they really understood it is their forever home.

    Some dogs take 2 days, some take 2 years. But when it happens it is palpable and so beautiful. I am so glad for your family.

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