18 September

Burying Zelda. An Iconic Image, It Speaks For Itself

by Jon Katz

I wanted and needed to share this photograph. It has an iconic feel to it, it speaks to Maria’s strength, the awareness of animals, the circle of life and death. These are the lessons of the farm, of the animals we live with.

They are sacred lessons to me, almost a sacrament. As we buried Zelda, all of the sheep lined up to watch and stay close. Zelda was an enormous part of their lives, even recently, when she withered and weakened.

The photo speaks for itself, I don’t want to cloud it or distract from it with a lot of words. All is well on our farm.


  1. I know I shouldn’t cry over this but it’s a mixture of beauty and grief that comes with the caring for animals in our lives pets or otherwise. God Bless you both for doing the right thing.

  2. I am dissolved in tears, but so glad you posted this awesome picture. It’s all that you said and more. No further words needed. Thank you.

  3. Jon – what a beautiful photograph . I admire your courage, compassion, and bravery for choosing to shoot Zelda . It seems it was a very loving choice and less stressful for her. And Maria’s courage and strength is heroic. I admire you and your journey and I wish Zelda the best in her new adventure, the mystery of wherever she is .

  4. Another “Life Magazine” photo. You never fail to capture the moment and its backstory. I have no words for the emotions this conjures. Beautiful work.

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