3 May

Zinnia, Fate, And The Slumdog: The Treat Drawer

by Jon Katz

I couldn’t tell you honestly which of our three dogs is the most spoiled.

Zinnia is the Princess, the Dog of Privilege, bred and raised in a Mansion on a gorgeous piece of Connecticut property. I used to call her the Wasp Princess, but this deeply offended some people (although there is truth in it) so I just call her the Bedlam Princess now.

I don’t mind pissing people off for a good reason, but Zinnia is all about love and smiles.

I want to thank Mary, a blog reader with a lovely dry sense of humor (people with a sense of humor are rare these days), she called Bud Zinnia’s Playmate Slumdog, and this is a great name for him.

It fits.

Bud traveled the realms of Hell before he came to us, and honestly, he is the most spoiled of our dogs. I feel guilt for the human race when I think about his early life.

Bud has survived so much trauma,  starvation, brutality, and illness that we feel he deserves to be spoiled, and he is showered with hugs, kisses, the right to the sofas, and an endless stream of healthy treats. Even when he dumps in the bathroom in icy cold weather, he can do no wrong for us.

Fate is only marginally interested in treats, what she wants is to work. She does love the Treat Drawer, but if Maria or I move to the door, Fate will leave the treat drawer in a flash. Fate has great pride, she never begs or grovels or surrenders her border collie dignity.

The drawer is always stuffed with treats, mostly rawhide alternatives that are natural and easy to digest. Once Fate managed to get the draw open and we found treat bags all over the dining room floor.

We are grateful Fate has not yet figured where the power tools are.

Zinnia is just royalty, she sees treats and attention as her due and is never surprised or excited by them,  although she loves to get them. She is regal, adoration is her due, she never lunges for treats, she knows they are coming.

Bud can hardly believe his eyes here, he takes nothing for granted and shows eternal gratitude and excitement for every morsel or hug he gets. His ugly stump of a tail is going back and forth all day.

I guess they are all spoiled, this was tonight’s gathering at the Treat Drawer. Please note two of the dogs are looking at me, one is looking right at the drawer.


  1. “Maria is just royalty, she sees treats and attention as her due and is never surprised or excited by them, although the loves to get them. She is regal, adoration is her due, she never lunges for treats, she knows they are coming.”

    Maria is such a good girl!

  2. I’m wondering if the use of Maria’s name regarding the treat drawer was intended, or as they say, “a Freudian slip”?
    Knowing Zinnia is considered royalty, Maria could be, as well! …Though Governor has a better ring ?.

    1. Laurie I’m glad people had fun with it, but I’m afraid it’s just another typo. not quite up to Freud’s level…:)

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