23 May

Where Is Zinnia?

by Jon Katz

Zinnia is very much like the fictional Waldo, she pops up everywhere, and she is sometimes hard to stop. If you look carefully at the photo, you will almost certainly find her.

I was sitting on the bench with Maria, our friendĀ  Jackie Thorne had come down to see us. It was very good to here, she’s a nurse who worked through the Pandemic, a good friend, and someone it is easy and fun to talk to.

We kept our social distance and Zinna crawled under the bench to stay in the shade, it was a warm afternoon here. All that Benadryl made me drowsy and I went inside to rest for a few minutes and get another ice pack.

As I turned to say goodbye to Jackie, I noticed Zinnia’s head popping out under the chair. I whipped out my iPhone faster than Gary Cooper pulled out his six-gun in High Noon. Zinnia is a smile dog, she makes me smile all day.


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