8 August

Empowering Robin: Watch Out

by Jon Katz

I’m getting the feeling that we won’t need to worry about Robin being empowered, she’s off to a pretty good start. Psychologists say that girls are often strong until they come to adolescence, where they can be undermined by the cruelty of peers.

Robin is off to a pretty wonderful start. Emma and Jay praise her, support her, give her every chance int the world to succeed, and feel proud of herself.  We praise Emma to the rooftop, but I can’t imagine her climbing upon an elephant in a park and tossing out a start that could cut steel.

I was hoping to see Robin in the next few weeks, but it seems that won’t be possible nowâ

I’m proud of her though, we seem to have a lot in common and we love to shout and roar when we talk. Robin feels pretty good about herself.

We do seem to have a connection with one another.

This photo was taken by Emma Span in Brooklyn.


  1. Different generations? Our grandchildren are being raised in security and love, which we offer were not.
    When my grandchildren were 11 and 13 we took them to Trafagar Square in London. We went to buy pigeon food and when we returned they had both promptly climbed up On to two of the enormous modeled lions at th foot of Nelson’s Column and sat there, grinning. We were flabbergasted! It would never have occurred to us to do this when we were there ages.

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