19 November

Sarah Scores A Big Award. The Cambridge Pantry Was Voted The Best Non-Profit In The County In Front Of 1,000 People

by Jon Katz

Sarah Harrington and The Cambridge Food Pantry Won A Big ward tonight, which could help raise donations, local attention, hunger awareness, and financial grants. There was a lot of competition.

It was a significant affirmation of the beautiful work she and her amazing volunteers have done this year to help the pantry modernize and use tools like the Internet (people like me) to advocate for it.

The Pantry Board of Directors President, Pastor Jim, a shy and quiet man who has done tremendous good, accepted the award with her. I got a wicked cold today and wasn’t sure I would make it, but it was worth a trip to the Christ the King Center in rural Greenwich. She got the award early on, so I made it all the way. I was eager to see the winner.

The overwhelming response from the community was a key factor in this achievement. Hundreds of county residents nominated individuals, and over 1,000 people gathered at the meeting hall, demonstrating the community’s integral role and unwavering support. This widespread backing is a testament to the pantry’s remarkable work and the impact it has on our community.

It’s a big deal in our country. Everyone follows these events, and Sarah has scored another victory for hunger awareness and the Cambridge Food Pantry. Sarah is determined to make the Cambridge Food Pantry the best food pantry in the country.

Tonight, Sarah has brought us all a step closer to her vision. Congratulations, friend. We are all proud of your achievement and inspired by your dedication to making the Cambridge Food Pantry the best in the country.


  1. Many congratulations to Sarah for her hard work! Your community is fortunate to have someone so dedicated to helping the needy………. I am in awe of her hard and diligent work
    Susan M

  2. You, by sponsoring the Army of Good, should be given a great dollop of credit for the success of the Cambridge Food Pantry and its receiving this well-deserved award. Well done, Jon!

  3. On behalf of the Cambridge Food Pantry and Board of Directors, I want to thank The Army For Good for your continued support. Your contributions do a great deal to keep our shelves stocked. We are very grateful!

    1. Thanks, Jim. It is a great pleasure to get to know you and see firsthand the wonderful work you have done with Sarah. Thanks for letting me be a part of it.

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