28 June

Portraits: The Rock Stars Of The Open House

by Jon Katz
Rock Stars
Rock Stars

There is really not much doubt in my mind who most people come to see when they come to our open houses. Some come to see Maria, some to see a donkey or a pony. Some come to see the barn cats. Most come to see the dogs, I think, especially this year when we have these rock stars, Red and Fate, showing off their stuff in the sheep pasture.

The poor sheep got chased and moved around all weekend, sometimes Red and Fate worked together, sometimes they each worked alone. Red evolved even from morning to afternoon, she got knocked around pretty good a few times by the irritated sheep, she got right up and went to work. They both did beautifully. Red always herds the sheep perfectly, but here comes Fate, just 17 weeks old and three weeks into sheep herding. She is really coming along and hundreds of people got to see her work. They seemed very happier, much happier than when they see me. I can take it, I’m used to it. It was a great weekend, in no small measure thanks to these two wonderful animals.

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