7 October

Minnie On A Pallet

by Jon Katz
Minnie On A Pallet
Minnie On A Pallet

Minnie has had a good summer as an outdoor barn cat. Many mice carcasses around, a rat or two and some moles. She is plump and vocal, as usual. It is getting chilly, and she is showing up around the back door in the evening. Soon she’ll be inside again for the winter, she loves being down in the basement all day where she has peace and quiet, and I’m sure, a mouse every now and then.

Minnie loves the dual life of the indoor/outdoor cat and it works for us. Flo will be back inside for the cold weather as well. I see that Minnie loves to sun herself on the wooden pallet where we stack the wood. Two years after her leg amputation, she is doing well, she climbs easily, moves quickly. She is still shy, she vanishes when people show up.

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