2 November

My Dogs, Waiting For Me. Sleep and Fear

by Jon Katz

While I was in the Studio Barn taking photos of Maria’s pin cushion, my dogs waited for me on the path. They help me
live my life.

    Still wrestling with sleep. Making progress. The fear comes up at night sometimes, and it is an old thing, and an evil thing, and I am letting it work its way through my system like the poison it is. I just let it come up, and it is coming up. A long, ugly battle I am determined to win. I will get there. No medication, no meditation, no books or guides or visualization, no energy work. Just me and it, getting closer.

2 November

Needle Pillow, Studio Barn

by Jon Katz

  In the morning, just after sunup, the sun streams through the Studio Barn, falling briefly on the needle pillow that Maria has on the window ledge, on the other side of some canvas gauze she puts up for privacy and to block the sun. I saw the sun hitting the pillow from the famhouse across the street, and managed to get there just in time with a 180 mm macro lens, and go the shot I have been waiting for for some month. I love how photography helps me to see the beauty in the world.

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