15 March

Windows within windows

by Jon Katz
Windows, Carriage Barn
Windows, Carriage Barn

I love the different things going on in this photo. The window within a window, the reflections in the glass.

This is a very important week for me. Confronting some deep and old things,  frightening but very important. Going to NYC to Em’s book party Tuesday. Story telling workshop begins at LARAC in Glens Falls. Working on my short story book. Waiting for Spring. Making decisions, and making some personal plans.

I was pleased to return to Quaker Meeting Sunday. They know how to enter into silence and light.

15 March

Stone Wall Secrets, cont.

by Jon Katz
Stone Wall Secrets, cont.
Stone Wall Secrets, cont.

If you look at this stone wall, a particular way, it has secrets to tell. The way it was built, the angles of thestone, the spaces in the middle, the way the moss grew, the sticks blown into crevices. Somebody piles these stones, they marked boundaries, kept in animals, kept out people and intruders, marked clearings, occupied families, gave work to laborers and immigrants. And they last. This  one is about 200 years old. From what I can see, it hasn’t lost a single stone. Only the animals in the woods really got to know these walls I think, and they must have witnessed so many things.

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