30 March

Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm

by Jon Katz
Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm
Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it, but my first children’s book “Meet the Dogs Of Bedlam Farm” will be published early next year by Henry Holt, the first of three, and hopefully more. It’s coming together beautifully, although we are still working on the cover. I can’t wait to do my first children’s book reading. And I have four very distinctive dogs to write about. So far, Lenore is the star, the thread of the stories. But Izzy and Rose and Frieda have great stories to tell, and I am eager to tell them.

30 March

Thinking Spring

by Jon Katz
Confronting Spring. My favorites
Confronting Spring. My favorites

One of my old and enduring thoughts is that the artist or writer never knows what the work is about until people experience it and tell him or her. Maria gets the most amazing responses to her bags, quilts and  potholders from people who interpret each of them differently. Same is true of books, photos and notecards.

In this country, in the past few years, people need Spring. Each Spring is a bit more hopeful than the previous one, each winter unnerving and filled with dark and cold. I love the color in these flowers. They cheeer me up.

The announce Spring. I told Christine Nemec of Redux that I thought the flower notecards would outsell the chickens and the eggs. She thinks the chickens and the eggs will outsell the flowers. I’m curious to see who is right. I think it’s a wonderful idea to confront Spring aggressively. A time of growth, change, expectance, and of coure, of color. A friend told me she was shocked at how much more colorful my photographs are than they were two years ago.

I told this to my therapist. She said this is what I have been looking for my whole life. I think this is so.

The notecards are up for sale and viewing on Redux.

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