26 September

The Fate Of The Daily Egg

by Jon Katz
The Fate Of The Daily Egg

Living with animals shapes and re-shapes our view of them and their lives. I was taking a photo of the Daily Egg, when it rolled off the rock and the rooster and hens came skittering over and devoured it. Life among animals. A few weeks ago, I wrote about feeding chicken to chickens and many people – including Maria – were horrified at the idea, calling it cannabilism. But we give chicken – and eggs – to the chickens routinely and without a thought. Animals do not generally make moral distinctions about their food – that is another one of the many projections we bring to them. I will miss the egg though.

Heading to Battenkill Books soon to sign some books. Gave several interviews this morning. Very interesting how many reporters want to talk about the dogs they have lost. Very unusual in interviews to do so much listening, so little talking (surely unusual for me!) But very interesting.

26 September

Simon Brays for “Going Home”

by Jon Katz
"Going Home"

Strange morning, on the cusp of one time or another. The writer goes through stages before a book. First stage, the reviews. In this case, they are good, so I can forget about them now. Too early to know about sales, but the book is rising steadily on all the online stores -and very rapidly, a good sign. Then the book tour, which starts tomorrow.

Actually today. I’m going to the Battenkill Bookstore in Cambridge for Chapter One of the book tour, talking to people on the phone and signing books. Hope to make it to 500 pre-orders, which would make a loud noise for the importance of independent booksellers.You can call 518 677-2515 or e-mail Connie Brooks at [email protected]. I’ll be there at noon, with the Ipad and camera, to get some photos up.

Next will be learning to talk about the book. Seeing what people say, what questions they have. This is why book tours are important, so a writer can look his readers in the eye, and vice-versa, to get a feeling for things. Woke up at 2 a.m. Couldn’t sleep. That’s par for the course on the even of a book publication date.

I asked Simon to bray for the book this morning, and he did. He is a very sweet donkey.

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