30 March

The Rural Landscape: Cold Front, Dusk

by Jon Katz
Cold Front, Dusk


In the late afternoon, I set out to chase a beautiful late afternoon sun, photographer’s light, and was at first disappointed to see the first clouds of fast-moving cold front sweep in. Then I realized the photographer has to go with what he’s given, not always what he wants, a condition of life also. And I suddenly saw that the front was beautiful.

30 March

Calling Rocky. Step By Step

by Jon Katz
Calling Rocky. Step by step


We went by to see Rocky today, and he was out in the pasture. Rocky is blind, and sometimes, if he is in a different place away from his barn, he has trouble finding us. Maria and I have learned speak softly and continuously, and bit by bit, he makes his way to us. He is anxious about poking himself in the face or head, which he sometimes does. I recorded his step-by-step and cautious movements towards Maria and her apple, and posted them on Facebook. We are going over tomorrow to give Rocky a good brushing. He is at ease being touched with both of us now, although we approach him patiently.

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