21 December

Vermont Cafe: Three Generations: Mother, Daughter, Granddaughter

by Jon Katz
Three Women

Maria and I had the most wonderful time in Vermont. Getting away, letting go is so important sometimes. We talked, read, talked, meandered around. Went to Brattleboro, got some Christmas presents, soaked in the huge old bathtub of a wonderful inn. Taking a breath is life itself sometimes. Got back to a huge windstorm, braying and barking animals, our snug and solid little farmhouse.

On our first day we went to lunch at a cafe in Chester, Vt. and I saw this lovely tableau right alongside us. A grandmother, daughter, grandchild, together in the most comfortable and intimate way having lunch, talking connecting. Spoke to me of women somehow, three generations like that. Good to be gone, good to be home.

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