30 December

Poem: The All I Can Do Prayer

by Jon Katz
All I Can Do

The All I Can Do Prayer:  How many mysteries have I seen in my lifetime? How many prayers?  It is never too late to learn a new prayer. One morning, when I was frightened, I found my All I Can Do prayer, buried, deep in my heart, hidden in the worn ruts of my mind.

And now,

When I am frightened,

I thank myself. I bless myself.

And ask myself:

Have I done all I can do?

When I feel overwhelmed by obligations,

tremble in fear and worry,

and discouraged by anger and conflict,

run and hide from the Other World Of Their News,

I pray: Have I done all I can do?

And if the answer is no, I do more.

And if the answer is yes, then I

smile at the stars, listen for my angels to sing to me, feel my

heavy heart lighten, and I draw

the cool and refreshing breath of peace,

and I let it go.

All I can do is enough.

It is all I can do,

the simplest of prayers, it just stops so short,

and is so true.

Have you done all you can do? I think so, friend.

Take my hand. Let life happen. Let life occur in its own sacred way,

on its own path.

Let it go. It is,

all you can do.


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