30 June

Simon’s Good Morning

by Jon Katz
Simon's Good Morning
Simon’s Good Morning

I have always been surprised by the affectionate ways of donkeys. Every morning, they insist upon attention, they love brushing, they love being touched, scratched, talked to. They come alongside and bump you with their nose if you get distracted or take too long. Simon insists upon his good morning attention from me and from Maria. I never saw a donkey until mid-life, I cannot imagine living without them.

30 June

Vermont Fiber Mill. Making Yarn.

by Jon Katz
Making Yarn
Making Yarn

We are off to the Vermont Fiber Mill in Brandon, Vt. with five bags of recently shorn wool from Zelda and the gang. Maria sells the wool (check her website) as yarn, we cleaned it last week and it looked good. We’ll bring Red so he can stare down the alpacas there and Brandon has some great places to get lunch. Maybe some good photos on the way.

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