1 August

Portrait: My Apple Tree. Sunrise With Donkeys. Big Thursday.

by Jon Katz
My Apple Tree
My Apple Tree

Maria had this wonderful idea this morning, we woke up at 3:30 a.m., this often happens to us, our minds are always spinning, and she had this idea for us to get up, bring some chairs out into the pasture and watch the sun rise. So we did, we sat with the donkeys as the light came up over the apple tree, and I noticed how beautiful this tree was, and it is so close to me, so much a part of my life that I had never really focused on it, so I got a big lens and a small one and spent a half hour with the tree and did a portrait study of it. I’ll put more photos up here, an album on Facebook.

Sometimes you don’t even see the beauty of the things right under your nose, how lucky I am to have a lover to wants to get up early and see the sun rise. The donkeys watched with us. Big Thursday for me, going with Red to Vermont to do some therapy work with veterans, if they permit it, I’ll take some photos. This afternoon, to Glens Falls to get a new prescription for my glasses, too much time reading and looking at screens, I think. Then tonight, off to Williamstown for dinner and to see a play at the Williamstown Theater Festival. Big day, nice day. I need a quiet day though, my head is spinning around.

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