4 September

The Tile Guys Return

by Jon Katz
The Tile Guys Return
The Tile Guys Return

The Tile Guy is back, this time to brighten up our small bathroom floor with yellow tiles inlaid with a few dark blue tiles. Joe brought his grandson Hayden who was much impressed with Red working the sheep. The bathroom is closed down, Joe says this will take five or six  hours. Maria is not nearly as into the bathroom tiling as she was the kitchen, I supposed this was more my idea. The Tile Guys are hard at work.

4 September

Secret Messages In The Woods: My Angels Clapping. What Do Sad People Have In Common?

by Jon Katz
My Angels Clapping
My Angels Clapping

Every day, when I walk in the woods,

and my angels touch the leaves with

their wands, and make them glow in the last light,

I listen and look for the messages the angels leave,

for those who look for the color and light and love,

in the world.

What is the beginning of happiness?

What do sad people have in common?

It seems they all built shrines to the past,

and worship there.

The angels whisper to me

that life is ahead of me, not behind,

do not waste a day of my life in this world,

their messages are like soft clapping in the forest,

applause for the wonder, crisis and mystery of life,

Whenever love makes itself known, they say,

the heart claps too.

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